Monday, 10 February 2020

Season of harvest

Greetings from Venilla , Anbalagan and Sridhar

Hope you are doing well. Thank you so much for taking your time to read our blog. This will be our last blog. We are so thankful for your continual support and prayers. We really appreciate it. The Daily bean cafe won’t have happened without you. We are grateful for your financial blessings and your prayers. Daily bean has grown so much these past few months with the new location. We are doing really well. We feel so blessed to have so many people supporting us and helping us grow this business.

Hummus and pita bread
This month has been a really calm one even though we had a lot going on. We felt like God’s been constantly taking care of our needs. We lost a few of our good employees who have stayed with us for more than a year. It was very hard losing them. It was kind of discouraging too.  As usual God’s been so faithful in bringing in more employees. The cafe has been so busy this past month. We were able to see lot more customers come to our cafe. It’s been a huge blessing. On our New Year’s Eve service our pastor prophesied Isaiah 9:3 over the whole church. The scripture says ‘you have enlarged the nation and increased their joy; they rejoice before you as people rejoice at the harvest. 

Fresh coffee beans from coorg
We feel like God’s been faithful in bringing more business to us. Our business has been growing and we believe that God is going to keep growing our business.  We strongly believe that this season is going to a season of harvest and we are going to enjoy God’s goodness over us. One other thing that God has been teaching us this month is to be more positive and see the best in people and love them for who they are. We started talking to our employees and help them to also start seeing the best in people. It’s so easy for us to judge and assume the worst in people. 

Personally God’s been reminding me of this verse over and over again this month i.e.; delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. It’s been so encouraging to me.  I just have to commit my ways to the Lord and trust him and let him do his job and he’ll give me my desires of my heart. Sometimes I focus so much on planning my life and trying to figure out everything not realizing that God’s taking care of me.

We have some new employees working with us at daily bean. We have been training them and teaching them how we do things at the cafe. It’s been fun hanging out with them and sharing about our vision and why we started daily bean. It was also so nice listening to their lives too.We hope to make an impact in their lives too. 
Our red velvet cupcake!

Prayer points:
1.       Pray for God’s protection over the cafe and the three of us.
2.       Pray that God will continue to use us to minister to our customers.
3.       Pray for more of God’s strength, guidance and wisdom for the three of us.
4.       Pray for God’s continual favor over us as we keep this business growing.
5.       Pray that God’s presence would be so tangible in our cafe.

Friday, 10 January 2020

A New Season

Greetings from Venilla, Anbalagan and Sridhar,

Happy New Year to all of you. We hope this year will an amazing year. We wanted to take this opportunity to share with you how our month has been. We are so happy that The Daily Bean turned 2 this past month! 

Playing a game at our employee Christmas party

We were able to sit down during our staff meeting and share the goodness of God. God has been so faithful to us, and we have seen him move on our behalf. During the past 2 years, The Daily Bean was able to expand and reach out to more customers! We had an amazing celebration of both our 2 year anniversary and Christmas with our team.

Dinner at Christmas Party

For Anbalagan, from the New Year, God has been teaching him about a season of harvest. He feels that the season of "sowing" is done in his business, and he will begin to see the fruits soon. The verse Psalm 128:2 says: "When you eat the labor of your hands: you shall be happy." Even though it's been tough loosing some of our long-term employees, I am trusting on this verse that the Lord has promised me. I truly believe this year will be a year of harvest for the Daily Bean, and we will see the fruit of our hard work. 

Ice Cream after the Christmas Party at Polar Bear

This month has been a wonderful month for Sridhar. It has been a great season of celebration and sharing the love of Jesus with our employees and families. We were able to take a few days off for Christmas to celebrate with our families. This was Shobha's and my first Christmas together after being married. We celebrated with both of our families, and we were very loved. God's been so gracious to us and His love has continually covered us. Both Shobha and I were able to sit back to take some time and see how God has been walking us through this past year and just be grateful for his hands over our lives.

Group photo

This month has been an awesome month where God's been teaching Venilla about the life of Moses. There are three things I learned from his life. First, Moses was a man of faith. Second, he was humble, and third, he loved God and his people. 
Moses was a man who had a strong faith, and he centred his life on God's promises. Even though he doubted himself so many times, he eventually overcame the doubts. He listened to God and followed him. Moses loved his people even though they fought a lot and questioned Moses on so many things. He was still with them till the end. He rescued them from the Egyptians. He trusted God and his process. In the same way, God has been teaching me to trust Him and His process. He wants us to be faithful to Him and to trust that whatever happens, He will turn it into good.

Prayer Points:

1) For God's grace in this new season in 2020.

2) For the Lord to lead the right employees to us who will commit to working with us for a long time. 

3) That we would have wisdom in managing at the employees. 

4) For God to move in our former landlord's heart to give us the remaining deposit. 

5) That we would be good stewards of what God has blessed us with. 

Tuesday, 10 December 2019

God of Grace and Mercy

Greetings from Venilla, Anbalagan and Sridhar.
TDB Treats at a Thanksgiving party
This month for Venilla, God has been teaching her from the book of Psalm 32:8-9 it says; “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. I will guide you with my eye. Do not be like the horse or like the mule, which have no understanding, which must be harnessed with bit and bridle, else they will not come near you”. Through this scripture God’s been teaching her that he doesn’t want to guide her from a distance but rather draw closer to him, allowing him to direct her from a place of intimacy. He doesn't want us to be like the horses that don't like to be controlled but free and unproductive. He wants us to build a close connection with him so he can easily direct us in the way he wants us to go. He wants her to always fix her eyes on him and stay close to him. When we have that intimacy with Jesus, it's so easy because he will guide and direct our hearts to his.
Venilla sharing how the Daily Bean started. 
For Anbalagan this month God has been reminding him of how faithful he has been, how we have grown and it’s going to be 2 full years of Father's faithfulness through our ups and downs. It’s also been a bit tough this month for us at The Daily Bean as some of our employees have left and the hardest part is that they stayed with us for a long time and for no valid reason have now left us.
Meeting and learning from a business friend. 
For me, it’s been a wonderful month despite all of the craziness with our employees’ departure. We had a super busy month with a lot of thanksgiving orders. We are so blessed to see how many people love what we create here at The Daily Bean. Yes, God has been so faithful to the 3 of us despite all of the craziness throughout this past year 2019, we have seen God’s hand move in marvellous ways as well. 
Our Peppermint Mocha
I want to take this opportunity to ask you all for a very huge prayer request, one of our loyal costumers Mr Robert’s daughter Catherine who is 31years old was diagnosed with stage 2 Hodgkin's lymphoma. It's a type of cancer in which cancer originates from a specific type of white blood cells called lymphocytes. On the first Saturday of December she started with her chemotherapy which might go on for 6 months. Please keep her in your prayer and please pray for a miracle of complete healing from this disease. 
Catherine and her Precious family. 
Prayer points: 
  1. Please pray for our team as we try figuring out a proper system with our employees.
  2. Please pray for all 3 of us, that we would walk into God’s System of operation instead of behaving like horses or mules that have to be harnessed with bits and bridles, else they will not come near to God. 
  3. Please pray for us as we prepare for the 2nd Birthday of our business.
  4. Please pray for wisdom from heaven to be with us as we continue to deal with our previous landlord and are still waiting for him to return our initial advance. 
  5. Please pray for Catherine as she is diagnosed with cancer and for God to be with her and her precious family.

Sunday, 10 November 2019

October update!

Greetings from Venilla, anbalagan and Sridhar
at the wedding
Hope you are doing well. Thank you so much for taking this time to read our blog. We are so thankful for the continual support and prayers. We really appreciate it.  

It has been 23 months since we opened The Daily Bean. What an adventurous journey it has been! We had lots of ups and down but the best thing about it was we had God’s grace with us and the cafe. This month God has been teaching anbalagan personally and the team from the Colossians 3:23 and 24 it says whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters. Since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. This verse has been speaking to us. It helps us realise how important it is to know that we work for Christ and not a man and how we need to give our 100% no matter what.  We also used this same scripture to teach our employees about the importance of working hard, to give 100% in whatever they do and also spoke about how rewarding it is when we hard work and it pleases God.

pumpkin cookies
This month has been very busy. We finally feel like the new daily bean is settling in since we had a lot of maintenance works in the last two months. It has been 3 months since we moved from the old place. We are so thankful for God’s presence over this place. This month we started focusing on growing our business through various promotions. We started with our children’s day, thanksgiving promotions. We also started a new executive lunch offers to help us increase our sales on the weekdays. It’s been really nice brainstorming ideas to help grow our business. 

We did something that we never did before in the cafe. It was our sister’s wedding instead of closing our shop we decided to let one of our employees run the store for a day. It was a really hard decision but it turned out to be a good one. It helped us to trust our employee and allow them to rise up from their place. It was good for us and the staffs. They did a really good job.

Our awesome team
 We started building a better relationship with our customers. One of our customers actually asked us to pray for her, she has been really struggling to find a job. We prayed for her and a week later she found a really nice job that was so flexible and they paid her really well. She described to us that it was exactly the job that she has been praying for. It’s crazy how God used us to pray for her and minister to her. We want to be able to minister to our customers and God chooses this lady and bought her to the daily bean. This is exactly how we want God to use us. We just don’t want to be a cafe but a place where people can come share their problems and we pray for them. We believe God is going to bring more people to us so we can minister to them.

at the wedding
 God’s been teaching Venilla from psalms 18 It says The Lord is my rock, and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I call upon the Lord who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies. This has been a promise over her life. Sometimes we forget that we can call on to God and he will answer us. We feel more comfortable seeking people’s help instead of God’s. God just reminded her that He is her everything.

God has been teaching Sridhar from 1 peter 3:8 it says finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble. This month has been a little challenging month for him. This month he actually decided to take a break from work and visit Sweden with his wife and her family. He applied for the visa. He was pretty excited about the whole trip. But unfortunately the visa didn’t go through and it was pretty devastating for him. He was very disappointing but out of this whole situation, God made their relationship stronger. He has a better relationship with his brothers in law. He’s been faithful over his life.  

Prayer points:
1.       Pray for God’s protection over the cafe and the three of us.
2.       Pray that God uses us to minister to the customers that come in.
3.       Pray for strength, guidance and wisdom for the three of us.
4.       Pray for God’s continual favour for us as we start growing our business.
Pray that God’s presence would be tangible in the cafe as the customers come in.  

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

God's Unconditional Love

Greetings from Venilla, Sridhar, and Anbalagan,

For Sridhar, this month has been a wonderful one. God has been teaching Sridhar to work immediately and not to tolerate things or situations that accrue in his day to day life. He's been learning that when he starts to tolerate things, then he procrastinates, and when this happens, he starts to pile up junk. It becomes a routine for most of us to let the Spirit of Procrastination rest with us.

Celebrating Sridhar's birthday at Daily Bean
Sridhar has had a mix of both good and bad things happen this past month. Starting with the good, he has had so many people celebrate him this past month, both family and workplace mates. He was celebrated and was very blessed to see so much love from everyone in his circle. This is going to be a very special year for him and in everything that he does. 

The hard part of this month was that the Daily Bean had to get some major electrical work done, which cost us more than we had expected. All the major repairs are completed now, and we hope that we won't have to close our store again for any electrical situation. The whole time Sridhar felt God continually comforting with His promise that He is with us and that everything is going to be just fine.
Sridhar was filled with worry and was very angry, but as time went by, I could continually see that God was with every decision that we took as a team.

Electrical Work
This month has been a gracious month for Venilla. God has been teaching her about Psalm 103 where it says His love for us is so great, and He doesn't count our sins against us. God has been constantly reminding Venilla of His unfailing love.

Roman 8:39 has been another reminder for Venilla this month. It talks about how there is nothing that will ever separate us from the love of God. There are times when Venilla questions God's love, but it's so beautiful to know that it's unconditional.

Daily Bean Staff Selfie
For Anbalagan, this month has been a blessed month. Jessi and Anbalagan have been able to move to a new house. The move was difficult and took a lot of time, but it was worth it. God knows the best time to bless his children. He's always a faithful Father. This month has been a tough month for us in Daily Bean as there were so many electrical issues, and it was hard to know how to get it fixed correctly. Due to this problem, we had many equipment failures, and it was disappointing for us to have this problem after being re-open for a short time. We learned a good lesson which will help us in the future. Each season in the Daily Bean has taught us a lesson. 

We also had to make a difficult decision regarding three of our employees. After giving them many chances, we had to let them go. The monthly staff meeting was good and hard because we said goodbye to the three employees, but we also had a chance to celebrate Salomi's birthday. This staff meeting was important because we had more than six employees join us for the first time. It was helpful to introduce everybody officially and develop a connection with the team. 

Celebrating Salmoi's Birthday at the Daily Bean Monthly Staff Meeting

Personally, this month God has been teaching Anbalagan to "Be still, and know that He is God" (Ps. 46:10). It is easy to get carried away by doing things in our human might, but we should rely on the stillness of God to know the right timing and that He has everything under control, in my personal life as well as business life. 

Thank you so much for reading and we hope you have a blessed week ahead! Thank you for being in prayer for us. 

Prayer Points:
-Pray for God's wisdom and guidance as we make daily decisions that impact the business 

-Pray for God's continued favour for us to connect to various business opportunities for Daily Bean

-Pray for God's rest to descend over the three of us in this next season

-Pray for peace and connection among the three for us as well as in the Daily Bean team

-Pray that God's presence would be known in Daily Bean as the customers interact with us and enter the shop 

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

For at the right time we shall reap - not desponding; {Gal 6:9}

Greetings from Venilla, Anbalagan and Sridhar

This month God has been showing me something very simple through one of our Employees. His Name is Epi Thang a young guy about 21 years old. Loves football, very hard worker and the best thing that I love about him is how he always has a big smile on his face and enjoys life each day at its own speed. God really spoke to me when we had so much going on, setting up our new store and I just got married and my wife lost her job, the one she was in for the last 4 and half years. In short, everything seemed to be upside down for me and I found it hard to see life and God’s hand in both of our lives.
Epi Thang our employee

 He spoke to me and encouraged me through this young guy Epi, who approaches life boldly, enjoying whatever life brings his way, teaching me that worrying about it is not going to give us peace or get us to the place we want to be in. Instead, it's choosing not to let worry or fear overpower today’s joy that we get to enjoy freedom in Jesus. It’s hard to be in that place but when we deliberately choose to fix our eyes on Him in the midst of chaos and uncertainty, all of a sudden I feel that overwhelming sense of peace that surpasses all understanding, realising that this is how we are called to live our lives.

Luke12:25 – Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life, since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?

God was so faithful in providing my wife with a new job, one that she likes even more than the last. God really showed me what it’s like to be still and know that He is God, trusting that He is and will always be in control.
Before and After photo of the store

For Venilla, this month God's been teaching her how to endure difficult times. Here’s a quote from a book she’s reading now. It says, “ the sanctuary of His embrace is where God reveals purpose, which in turn empowers us to endure hardship with joy, for we know He is working it all together for good.” This was a huge encouragement for her.

 Most of the time we focus on the hard times when God urges us to trust in his unfailing love for us, which is always going to be bigger than any storm we will ever face. It’s amazing how that simple truth changed my perspective from trembling at the sight of my storm to riding its waves with peace knowing that my God is with me through it all. He has not failed me yet and I choose to believe that he’s not about to start now. 
Anbalagan explaining the process of coffee roasting

For Anbalagan, It’s definitely been a season where God is teaching him about submitting to authorities as well as walking through these difficult moments with God’s grace which He promised will be sufficient. We haven't seen the fruit of our hardships and the sacrifice that we’ve made towards the cafe yet, but God is asking us to believe and trust him.  Galatians 6:9, “let us not be weary in doing well, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest. It's been a hard month and we clearly don't know how to process it all, but I believe that those who wait on the Lord will be renew their strength. I am holding on to that promise because I know He will never change.
View of our cafe

 Even though we’ve had a rough patch, we’ve also seen how much daily bean has grown. We are so thankful to Jesus for trusting and blessings us with a much bigger place. We want to thank all our family members who have been a huge support to us. The last few weeks have been so busy, definitely not something we were expecting; we’re always packed on the weekends which are really good for our business. We do a live” coffee roasting session” now and have been educating our customers about roasting coffee beans. 

Overall it’s been a crazy month and we’re still figuring our way through. We are so thankful to be blessed with a much bigger place. Our only prayer is that we continue being faithful stewards, honouring God in everything we do.

Prayer points:
1.       Please pray for the three of us as we continue to be faithful in this new season.
2.       Please pray for strength and wisdom for us as we process and look into new seasons.
3.       Please pray for our business and that God would continue being the centre of everything.
4.       Please pray for God to guard our hearts against lies of the enemy.
5.       Please pray for the Holy Spirit to bring peace, love as we hold each other up.

Saturday, 10 August 2019

New place,new journey!

Greetings from Venilla, Anbalagan and Sridhar.

Hope you are doing well! This month has been an amazing month for the daily bean team . If you guys don’t know... We have some great news! One, We have finally moved out of the old place. Two ,we have moved into a much better and bigger place. We are almost done with setting up the new place and it looks amazing. Thanks to Tabby aunty and her friends from America who helped us with setting up the cafe. They were a huge blessing to us. There’s no words to describe how amazing our God is. He was so faithful in providing us the money to build and set up this cafe. We are so grateful to the people who gave money towards building this new incredible place.Thank you so much for listening to God and choosing to support us. We are excited to announce that our grand opening will be on the 15th of August. The cafe is  three times bigger than the previous one and it is a huge blessing for us. The kitchen is my personal favourite. It’s huge and spacious. I will definitely let you all know how the grand opening day goes on our next blog.

 Anbalagan - “It has been a blessed month to see God’s faithfulness in providing for our new building. It is great to see how God has been in control of the whole process. It is incredible how he knows exactly what we need and provides us with everything necessary, at the right time. We are beyond blessed to be able to walk with him into this new and exciting journey. We can’t believe that we have moved into a much bigger place so soon. I am very thankful and blessed. No matter how big the storm or the situation might be, we know that we have God’s favor on us and that he has complete control of everything that comes our way.”

Sridhar - “This past month has been super busy with all the preparations for the new venue. Despite all the moving and chaos, it has a wonderful process to see how God unfolds his blessings and put everything together. During this new season for my wife Shoba and I, we have been learning to depend on God for his wisdom, especially with her transition from her old job to her new one. God has been so faithful through all our ups and downs. We are very blessed and thankful. God has always been good to us and this has been a very comforting promise to the both of us. Please continue praying for us as we move into this new season, both personally and professionally”.

- “This season, God has been teaching me to depend on him and not to lean on my own understanding. I have become a child again and am experiencing the joy of asking my heavenly father to take care of all my needs. He has not failed me and I am blessed to have him as my father. His faithfulness amazes me everyday. He has given us the wisdom and much needed guidance to work out everything in order for us to move into the new place.  For this season this verse has been very close to my heart. 
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding; in all your ways submit to him,and he will make your paths straight.-  Proverbs 3:5-6 

Thank you so much for continuous support. It’s been a huge blessing. May God bless you!

Prayer points:

  1. Pray for us as we complete setting up our new venue for the cafe.
  2. Pray for strength, guidance and wisdom for the three of us.
  3. Pray for sridhar and shobha as they set foot into this new journey together.
  4. Pray for anbalagan as he seeks after God’s heart.
  5. Pray for venilla as she learns to trust God completely without question. 
  6. Pray for the team as we get ready for the grand opening.