Monday, 10 February 2020

Season of harvest

Greetings from Venilla , Anbalagan and Sridhar

Hope you are doing well. Thank you so much for taking your time to read our blog. This will be our last blog. We are so thankful for your continual support and prayers. We really appreciate it. The Daily bean cafe won’t have happened without you. We are grateful for your financial blessings and your prayers. Daily bean has grown so much these past few months with the new location. We are doing really well. We feel so blessed to have so many people supporting us and helping us grow this business.

Hummus and pita bread
This month has been a really calm one even though we had a lot going on. We felt like God’s been constantly taking care of our needs. We lost a few of our good employees who have stayed with us for more than a year. It was very hard losing them. It was kind of discouraging too.  As usual God’s been so faithful in bringing in more employees. The cafe has been so busy this past month. We were able to see lot more customers come to our cafe. It’s been a huge blessing. On our New Year’s Eve service our pastor prophesied Isaiah 9:3 over the whole church. The scripture says ‘you have enlarged the nation and increased their joy; they rejoice before you as people rejoice at the harvest. 

Fresh coffee beans from coorg
We feel like God’s been faithful in bringing more business to us. Our business has been growing and we believe that God is going to keep growing our business.  We strongly believe that this season is going to a season of harvest and we are going to enjoy God’s goodness over us. One other thing that God has been teaching us this month is to be more positive and see the best in people and love them for who they are. We started talking to our employees and help them to also start seeing the best in people. It’s so easy for us to judge and assume the worst in people. 

Personally God’s been reminding me of this verse over and over again this month i.e.; delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. It’s been so encouraging to me.  I just have to commit my ways to the Lord and trust him and let him do his job and he’ll give me my desires of my heart. Sometimes I focus so much on planning my life and trying to figure out everything not realizing that God’s taking care of me.

We have some new employees working with us at daily bean. We have been training them and teaching them how we do things at the cafe. It’s been fun hanging out with them and sharing about our vision and why we started daily bean. It was also so nice listening to their lives too.We hope to make an impact in their lives too. 
Our red velvet cupcake!

Prayer points:
1.       Pray for God’s protection over the cafe and the three of us.
2.       Pray that God will continue to use us to minister to our customers.
3.       Pray for more of God’s strength, guidance and wisdom for the three of us.
4.       Pray for God’s continual favor over us as we keep this business growing.
5.       Pray that God’s presence would be so tangible in our cafe.

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