Saturday, 17 March 2018

Being Rooted

Greetings from Venilla, Anbalagan and Sridhar

Hope you are all doing well. We have had a wonderful month we want to take this opportunity to share how we have been able to reach out to our employees and our customers as well. We were able to share with our employees how well they are doing and how we can see some improvements as well.
Team for the month

 Anbalagan shared from Psalms 1:3
That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
    which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither
    whatever they do prosper.
Anbalagan sharing with the team

He shared of how we need to be rooted that no matter what storm hits our way we will be able to stand it. We took time to pray for them as well.
Made with love from TDB team

We were also able to promote some new cupcakes and cookies for this Valentine’s Day it was so good to see the response we had for that promotion. We are also in the process of trying out some new stuff and pushing ourselves to give our best in whatever we do.
Special cookies and cupcakes

 We were able to figure out a way to work in shifts so that we don’t burn out really fast, we want to be able to long the long run as well. We so thank full for the help that we are receiving from Different people as they can see the different point of views.

 We are in a season of seeing growth in our company and we are happy to see how God is using different people to walk with us during this change.

Prayer points;

1.      Please pray for more wisdom as we try to keep our place up and running.
2.      Please pray for complete rest in our physical bodies so that we can do better at what we are doing.
3.      Please pray for Gods protection for our business and the three of us as we reach out to our employs as well.
4.      Please pray for favour with both God and man with every decision we take.
5.      Please pray for our team that we will be able to share more of the fathers love to them in our day to day activates.

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